Appraiser’s Assistant Not Subject to Penalty for Inflated Appraisal

The IRS has attempted to expand its regulatory power by regulating those who prepare or assist in preparing tax returns. The courts have stifled these efforts. The recent United States v. Zak, No. 1:18-cv-05774 (N.D. Ga. 2019) case provides an example where the IRS attempted to regulate the conduct of those who merely assist a…Continue…

Paying Personal Expenses from Corporate Bank Account

Can you avoid paying tax by paying your personal expenses from your corporate bank account? Is avoiding tax that easy? No, our system doesn’t work that way. The Moacir Santos v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2019-148 explains how the IRS handles these situations. Facts & Procedural History The taxpayer owns a engineering and paving company. It……

The IRS Summons & When the IRS Fails to Follow the Law

What happens if the law requires the IRS to provide notice to the taxpayer and the taxpayer to provide notice to the IRS and both parties fail to provide the notice? Can the government ignore its failure and enforce consequences for the taxpayer’s failure? The answer is “yes” when it comes to the IRS summons,…Continue…

Discharging Unpaid Withholding Taxes in Bankruptcy

When a business owes unpaid taxes, bankruptcy can provide the business or its owner with a fresh start. The unpaid Federal taxes can be discharged if certain requirements are met. One of these requirements is that the tax returns for the unpaid taxes are filed within certain time periods. But what if there are more……

Answers for Common Small Business Tax Questions

Q: Is an S-Corporation required to pay quarterly estimated tax? Rarely does an S corporation make estimated tax payments. An S Corporation must make installment payments of estimated tax if the total of these taxes is $600 or more: The tax on built-in gains, The excess net passive income tax, and The investment recapture tax. Q:…Continue…

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